Sunday, June 15, 2008


...Coming Soon (... still not yet)


Willy said...

Yes! I am first one. looks very good, all the wrinkles looks very realistic. looking forward to see you finish it. My summer is ok. Yours sounds very busy. 3 classes.... Hope you can get through it. Good luck.

may said...

thanks willy:)

Willy said...

Yeah I got B-. You can check it on titan online, but you dont need to worry. You get A for sure.

jenfuj said...

Hi May! Great work! Can't wait to see the finished product. :)

may said...

Thanks Jenfij:) I'm gonna add your link to my blog.

Carrie Liao said...

this looks amazing! great texture (:

looking forward to more!

K. Luong said...

HEY MAY! good progress on your kick boxer. hope your summer is going well, i'm sure you'll have your hands full in the fall.=/

anyhow, just wanted to drop you a line and say hi. the hands aren't looking too bad so far =)

take care!

may said...

Thanks Carrie, I want to finish this badly but now there are many things that need to be done before... How's your summer?

Thanks Kalvin, long time no see, glad to hear something from you again. How's your class over there? Finally, you're in what you like so keep it up:) Next time show me(us) some of your homeworks.

Take care !

K. Luong said...

i definitely will. =D

it's good to hear from you for so long too. i've actually postponed it for another semester in order to take care of some personal stuff over the summer, but i'll show you my stuff once i'm in and rolling.

can't wait to see some of your class demos when the fall starts!

take is easy, may!

"KAT" {for short} said...

hey may! catherine here from Christians class. great progress here. :D weren't you the one who did the boy who can't stop smiling comic? if so, you should post it up! hope summer is goin' nicely for you! stay under the shade! :)